Samantha Wilkins

Mukul kumar

Research Engineer

+91 8433138951

I am Mukul Kumar ,a 17 y/o tech trailblazer obsessed with quantum computing and revolutionizing digital content. Im the brain behind Gluon , an innovative dApp changing the game in online publishing. My world revolves around hacking the future with cutting-edge tech and creating epic solutions. Dive in as we disrupt norms and redefine digital boundaries together. Github or follow me on Twitter/X.


High School Graduation 2023-24

Motilal Nehru School of Sports

Graduated: May 2024

Work Experience

Research Engineer

Working independently, Delhi, India

  • Learnin and expermenting quantum circuits on ibms quantum computers.
  • introducing Science to blockchain cummunity by building Gluon
  • try to build some crazy projects projects for pubic goods at my young age .


Web Devlopement & Web3

  • Typescript & Nextjs
  • Tailwind CSS & Figma
  • Solana
  • Astro

Quantum Computing

  • Currently learning Quantum Information Theory
  • Qiskit
  • pennylane

Tools and Technologies

  • Git
  • Linux
  • Figma
  • Notion

Soft Skills

  • Unique & Innovative Approach
  • Designing things attractive
  • Complete tasks at any costs
  • Adaptability